Poonam Pandey, the 19 year old Indian model has received her share of attention from the day India had to play against Pakistan in the semi-final match. She tweeted that day how she would love to to go all nude if her Team India would win the World Cup. She became an overnight sensation with this claim.
Now that India has won the world cup, people are waiting for Poonam to take some action. She has already received too many international offers to pose nude on magazine covers, but she has refused them. She has expressed clearly that she will strip only for TEAM INDIA.
Today (April 4th) she tweeted, 'Thanks a Lot All for ur Support!! I am Still on with My Commitments. Stay TUNED.'
She said that she claimed she would go nude if Team India will get the World Cup and not to make fame or money.
As per the reports, Poonam is getting threatening calls to pull off this act of nudity. She has sent an official letter to BCCI for a permission that she could strip in front of the Indian Cricket Team.
She wrote in the letter that going naked would have a therapeutic effect on Team India. She also cited university studies that support such performances boos and inspire people to perform better in any field of life.
So much for the big news, now we know that Poonam only wants to appear nude in the privacy of the Indian cricket team's dressing room or any other place of their choosing. She would be happy to perform in Paris to avoid the Indian laws.
Wow I am thoroughly bored! And whatever hell is she talking about therapy and inspiration. The boys have already won. They never got the inspiration cause of her in the first place. Too much silly talk!
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