Everybody is talking about this song Chammak Challo from the movie RA. One these days. The focus is firstly on the fact that Akon has sung this song while the rest of the hype is on Kareena Kapoor looking smoking hot in red.
I saw the video and couldn't understand what the entire hoopla is all about in the first place. This is a highly overrated song in my opinion. Even if Akon sang the song, its lyrics, music and the video has nothing that grows on you with time.
I find the choreography extremely weird. It could have been so much better had they chosen a better theme. For me the moves and the get up just doesn't work. The extras in the background look irritating as well.
Shahrukh Khan, on the other hand looks OLD and BAD. If there is anything good about this song it's got to be Kareena Kapoor although she too has not done anything spectacularly new. She has given the same age old iconic expressions of hers but she does look nice and one must give her at least a few points for that.
Anyway, since Chammak Challo is the new hot and people are blindly loving it enjoy all who wanted to watch and hear this one more time.