Shahrukh Khan said on Koffee With Karan that he does not know how to make friends and if he make friends he fails at keeping them friends. Thus, even now he has not yet been able to resume his friendship with his very good friend Salman Khan.
But SRK does help other actors and actresses in patching up. This time he got in the middle when Priyanka and Kareena - who have been at a war for the longest time now to settle things down. It happened for a recent awards show.
Kareena and Priyanka both had to rehearse on the stage for a recent awards show. The timeslot was for Kareena but Priyanka suggested that since her performance was much longer she would practice on the stage then. Kareena was quite angry at this and was all set to have a cat fight with Priyanka on this. SRK the great, however came in between and told Kareena to practice in the morning rather than having a fight or cancelling her rehearsal. Kareena agreed on doing this.
Then Shahrukh went up to Priyanka and told her that Kareena has decided to do rehearsal the next day. Priyanka was very happy with Kareena's gesture. She in fact, was so happy to clear the cold and dirty air between the two she went up and hugged Kareena.
Thus Shahrukh Khan helped the two leading ladies of Bollywood to become friends once again after a very long war. Recently, on the Umang show, therefore we saw very cordial Kareena and Priyanka together. Perhaps SRK should also learn sort out his old issues with friends as well now.
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